
We are proud to offer a unique opportunity to companies looking to sell or license innovative medical technologies. We have developed a proprietary process that expedites the sale or license of your technology, while cultivating the highest fair market value.

Some key features of our process include:

  • We create a differentiated brand position and associated Corporate Identity that sets your company (and technology) in its best light.
  • We use our marketing expertise to more effectively highlight your corporate and/or technological strengths through strategic messaging and collateral pieces that maximize your perceived value to each audience.
  • Valuation specialists take in all factors and advise what the top fair market value is for your company and/or technology.
  • We create properly branded PowerPoint presentations that clearly communicate the value the company and its technology have in the marketplace via compelling graphics and messaging.
  • We edit and tailor each presentation to ensure its message points best address the motivators of those viewing any given presentation.
  • If requested, we assist with compiling a list of prospective buyers and conducting the presentations as well as taking part in the negotiations.

Uniquely Qualified

Our staff has over 50 combined years of experience working in health care, biotech and medical device categories. We have helped clients with all aspects of their business growth, market positioning and communications programs for corporate, investment, medical and consumer target markets. Some clients include: Al Mann Institute, Advanced Bionics, Technion, Agensys, CancerVax, VeinRx, Camgen, Restore Medical, Martek BioSciences, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, SpeechEasy, Medtronic and LARTA.

In working with these clients, a key component of our ongoing success is the ability to work well with scientists, physicians, researchers and engineers. Our many years of experience have taught us the best way to work with these professionals to effectively glean the technology's salient features. This puts us in the ideal position to successfully "translate" lengthy, technical explanations into succinct, compelling messages. This is fundamental to making all key communications about a technology more effective at connecting with the targeted audience in a meaningful way and eliciting the desired response.

Through years of working with clients like these, long term relationships have been generated with those in a position to purchase or license medical technologies. So once the proper positioning has been completed, in some cases, we will be able to also facilitate meetings with qualified buyers.

Distinctive Business Partnership

Our compensation structure is a unique hybrid model based on the partner oriented principle of "we only succeed if you do." The framework is as follows:
  • A small monthly management fee will be paid to compensate us for the research, strategic planning, brand positioning, message development, presentation development, general consulting and valuation services.
  • The majority of compensation will be in stock options or in warrants to purchase an agreed upon percentage of the company.
  • The monthly management fee, stock options and/or warrants would be determined at the onset of the relationship.

Client Qualification

Because of the partnership oriented form of compensation, we are very selective in who we will enter this type of arrangement with. To be considered, a company must have an innovative medical technology that achieves one or more of the following objectives:

  • Positively affects clinical outcome
  • Improves the speed, efficiency or efficacy of a procedure
  • Improves diagnostic accuracy or enables earlier detection of a disease
  • Improves the patient experience in relation to a procedure and/or the related recovery and side-effects
  • Reduces overall procedural cost, with no decrease in efficacy or increase in complexity

If your company or technology qualifies and you are interested in learning more about Rainmaker & Sun STAT, please call Rena Conner at 818-789-9928 x 104.


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[ © 2003–2010 Rainmaker & Sun ]